
Febrile #104 – StAR: Neurosyphilis


This StAR episode features the CID State-of-the-Art Review on neurosyphilis. Our guest star this episode is Dr. Matthew Hamill (Johns Hopkins University)

Table of Contents


Host: Sara Dong

Guest: Matthew Hamill

Content is based on the CID article featured in this episode although with additional writing by Sara Dong

Edited and produced by Sara Dong with support from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)

Our Guests

Matthew Hamill, MBCHB, PhD, MPH

Dr. Matthew Hamill is a UK-trained physician specializing in sexually transmitted infections. He is assistant professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. He also serves as Clinical Chief for STI services at Baltimore City Health Department. He provides patient care for people with HIV and other STIs as well as those at risk for infection. His research focuses on harnessing diagnostic development to improve HIV/STI diagnosis, prevention, and linkage to care.


Matthew shared how lovely it is to spend time in his garden as spring begins!

Consult Notes

Welcome to this Febrile StAR episode!

These StAR episodes feature discussions with authors from State-of-the-Art Review articles from the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal (CID).


This episode is based on: Hamill MM, Ghanem KG, Tuddenham S. State-of-the-Art Review: Neurosyphilis. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 May 15;78(5):e57-e68. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad437. PMID: 37593890.


Journal companion article – Executive summary link:



Listeners will be able to understand key concepts related to the diagnosis and treatment of neurosyphilis

Learning Objectives

After listening to this episode, listeners will be able to:

  • Describe the epidemiology of syphilis in the US witha highlight on populations that are particularly affected by infection
  • Compare and contrast the clinical features of early and late neurosyphilis
  • Identify indications for cerebrospinal fluid examination in the setting of clinical concern for syphilis
  • Identify the preferred treatment for neurosyphilis


Febrile podcast reports no relevant financial disclosures

Potential conflicts of interest are noted in the CID article as well as reproduced below:

M. M. H. reports royalties from UpToDate, consulting fees from GSK, and writing fees from DynaMed. K. G. G. reports royalties from UpToDate. S. T. reports serving as a consultant for Biofire Diagnostics, Roche Molecular Diagnostics, and Luca Biologics; royalties from UpToDate; speaker honoraria from Roche Molecular Diagnostics and Medscape/WebMD; an unpaid role as a board member for the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association; and receipt of donated test kits to institution from Hologic.


Hamill, M., Dong, S. “#104: StAR: Neurosyphilis”. Febrile: A Cultured Podcast. https://player.captivate.fm/episode/3cb27104-ec8c-4845-b8db-0f87be4263af/


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