

Other ID Learning Resources

This page provides easy links to some of the digital ID oriented educational material available online!  Many of these are referenced in previous Consult Notes and episodes as well.  Send a message for suggestions on additional resources that should be included on this page!

In addition to Febrile, find more ID-related podcasts available here!

The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS) has several resources for ID trainees on their website:

Resources for Fellows

Fellows Survival Guide

Transplant & Immunocompromised Host ID (need to log-in, but lots of great items such as the Transplant ID modules and virtual clinical case conferences)

There are other available toolkits as well as the PIDS Podcast

Click for access to resources produced and curated by the Teaching and Learning Resources Workgroup of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)

The IDEA platform (Infectious Diseases Education & Assessment) has four curricula:

National HIV Curriculum

National STD Curriculum

Hepatitis C Online

Hepatitis B Online

These are free educational websites from the University of Washington that are great resources!  You can also obtain CME credit and track your progress if you login.

The Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database is a public resource for resistance data.  You can find drug resistance summaries, plug in your genotype results into HIVdb, and more

The ID Fellows Network is a collaborative resource and community for fellows.  Find on Twitter or the website

ID Fellows Cup is a fun question competition featuring ID board-style questions.  Follow Twitter for updates and sign-ups

The IDSA Academy is a platform with the IDSA Maintenance of Certification (MOC) modules and the IDSA Practice Exam as well as the Core and Advanced Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculums

ID Images (eMicrobes: A Digital Library for Learning Infectious Diseases) is a website that houses interesting and educational images and cases, including those from Fellows’ Workshops at IDWeek every year.

DPDx is a website developed and maintained by the CDC’s Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria.  Check here for more info on parasitic diseases, but there are also excellent monthly case studies too!

Parasites Without Borders is an educational resource on parasitic diseases.  There are a ton of parasitic disease lectures available on the website or Youtube in particular!

These Gorgas Case of the Weeks are available from the Gorgas Courses in Clinical Tropical Medicine via the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru.  

This Mycology Online site from University of Adelaide provides information on the identification and management of fungal infections with a range of educational materials

Another online mycology resource is Doctor Fungus, from the Mycoses Study Group Education and Research Consortium (MSGERC)

Access the Red Book Online

Some other miscellaneous ID blogs and websites

HIV and ID Observations from Paul Sax on NEJM Journal Watch: An ongoing dialogue on HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases, all matters medical, and some not so medical

FOAMid (free open access medicine – infectious diseases) is an educational website/blog on ID topics, specifically written for non-ID trained clinicians for many posts. Can also find on Twitter

IDStewardship/LearnAntibiotics.com is a pharmacy-centric website/blog.  There are some additional items that require membership purchase.  Can follow in Twitter as well

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