
Febrile #112: When to drawn blood cultures

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Drs. Jonathan Ryder and Sarah Turbett discuss blood culture stewardship!

Table of Contents


Host: Sara Dong

Guests: Jonathan Ryder, Sarah Turbett

Writing: Sara Dong

Edited and produced by Sara Dong with support from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)

Our Guests

Jonathan Ryder, MD

Dr. Ryder is an assistant professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He serves as the associate medical director of antimicrobial stewardship and associate hospital epidemiologist in the infection control and epidemiology program. He has academic interests in diagnostic stewardship, stewardship in rural settings, and digital medical education.

Sarah Turbett, MD

Dr. Turbett is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Department of Pathology at the Massachusetts General Hospital. She received her medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and completed her training in infectious diseases at the combined program for infectious diseases at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital with a focus on transplant infectious diseases and care of the immunocompromised host. She has also completed a fellowship in clinical microbiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital and serves as an Associate Laboratory Director for the Microbiology laboratory at MGH. Areas of interest include clinical lab test utilization and stewardship, antimicrobial resistance, and emerging infectious diseases.


Jonathan has been watching Rings of Power season 2

Sarah enjoys some Bravo reality TV and Love Island as an escape

Consult Notes

Consult Q

Should I get blood cultures?

Key Points

We discussed briefly the BD BACTEC blood culture bottle shortage. Here is a quick overview and some of the mentioned resources

Key take-homes to remember related to blood culture collection

  • Drawing blood cultures only when indicated (preventing “rainbow draws”)
  • Avoiding blood culture contamination to help us with both antibiotic and blood culture overuse. This includes:
      • Avoid drawing blood through indwelling intravenous or intra-arterial catheters unless blood cannot be obtained by venipuncture or the diagnosis of catheter-related infection is suspected. Blood cultures obtained from venous access devices such as IV catheters and ports are associated with greater contamination rates than blood cultures obtained by venipuncture.
      • Hand hygeine
      • Proper cleansing of venipuncture site: appropriate disinfectants, double cleanse methods (alcohol and let dry followed by second disinfected. Avoid touching venipuncture area after it has been cleaned unless wearing sterile gloves
      • If high contamination rates, can consider discard tube or discard devices
      • Each hospital should know their contamination rates. Goal <3% but ideally <1% (CLSI benchmark). Accrediting agencies require contamination rate monitoring.
  • Ensure proper volume of blood collected
      • For adults, 20-30 mL of blood per culture set is recommended and may require inoculation of 2 culture bottles depending on system. Both aerobic and anaerobic bottles should be inoculated. Aerobic bottle always inoculated first as tend to cultivate more organisms with this bottle.
      • For children, an age- and weight- appropriate volume of blood should be cultured. Use 1-2 aerobic bottles for children. Anaerobic bottles added if concern for anaerobic infection (intra-abdominal pathology for example)

  • Number of blood culture sets:
    • Ideally at least 2 as:
    • 8-12% of bacteremias are picked up with a second set
    • Helps determine true BSI vs. contaminant for certain organisms (commensals)
    • Degree of bacteremia can be informative (high grade vs. low grade)
  • Blood culture bottle transport: get to the lab as soon as possible, ideally within 4 hrs

Blood culture stewardship references


Listeners will be able to understand blood culture stewardship

Learning Objectives

After listening to this episode, listeners will be able to:

  • Discuss available literature related to pre-test probability of infections that may cause bloodstream infection
  • List strategies to ensure proper blood culture collection
  • Identify features of an action plan that could be used during a shortage


Febrile podcast and hosts report no relevant financial disclosures

Jonathan Ryder disclosure: Receives funding from the Johns Hopkins Prevention Epicenter Blood Culture Stewardship Collaborative funded by CDC’s Prevention Epicenters Program. The content in the podcast is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official view of the funding agency.

Sarah Turbett disclosure: Consultant for CARB-X. Receives funding from SeLux Diagnostics


Turbett, S., Ryder, J., Dong, S. “#112: When to draw blood cultures”. Febrile: A Cultured Podcast. https://player.captivate.fm/episode/2071920a-1b11-44da-a74f-58a89af4293f/


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