
Febrile #113: Season 4 Finale: Match Update & Supporting IMGs in ID

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In our Season 4 finale wrapping up 2024, Febrile is excited to host our biggest guest list yet to discuss the importance of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in infectious diseases!

Table of Contents


Host: Sara Dong

Guest(s): Ana Del Valle, Cristina Tomatis, Diego Cruz, Radhika Sheth, Shweta Anjan, Zheyi Teoh, Cesar Berto

Edited and produced by Sara Dong with support from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)

Our Guests

Ana Del Valle, MD

Ana Del Valle is originally from Monterrey, Mexico where she completed medical school before moving to the U.S. for pediatric residency and pediatric infectious disease fellowship. She is now an Assistant Professor of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, where she is completing her J-1 visa waiver.

Cristina Tomatis, MD

Cristina Tomatis was born and raised in Lima, Peru, where she completed medical school. She completed residency in Madrid, Spain and then went to Columbus, Ohio for fellowship where she has since stayed. She had to repeat residency prior to becoming an Assistant Professor at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. At Nationwide, she does general ID (with some transplant) as well as translational research about immune response to vaccines.

Diego Cruz, MD

Diego Cruz is a current Pediatric Resident at Nationwide Children’s Hospital after completing Pediatric Infectious Disease fellowship in the same institution. He is originally from Cali, Colombia where he completed Medical School and Pediatric Residency at Universidad del Valle.

Radhika Sheth, MBBS

Radhika Sheth is an adult infectious disease physician with Henry Ford Health System in Michigan. She also works closely with the internal medicine residency program and is involved in medical education. She is originally from India, where she completed medical school.

Shweta Anjan, MD

Shweta Anjan is an adult transplant infectious diseases physician and TID fellowship director at University of Miami and Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami Florida. She is originally from India, and completed medical school from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal before moving to the US in 2012.

Teoh Zheyi, MBBS, MPH

Teoh Zheyi is a pediatric infectious diseases faculty at Seattle Children’s Hospital and is a transplant infectious diseases doctor. He is originally from Malaysia, completed his fellowship training at Cincinnati Children’s, and obtained a J-1 persecution waiver before joining faculty.

Cesar Berto, MD

Cesar Berto is a transplant infectious diseases faculty member at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Originally from Lima, Peru, he is currently completing his waiver.


Ana Del Valle: the podcast Normal Gossip

Cristina Tomatis: seeing the Dog Man musical at the Southern Theater in Ohio

Diego Cruz: Wheel of Time book series

Radhika Sheth: Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Shweta Anjan: trip to Istanbul and Turkish coffee

Teoh Zheyi: backcountry skiing

Cesar Berto: The Notebook musical

Consult Notes

Updates on US ID Fellowship Match

 Adult 2025 AppointmentAdult ID 2024 AppointmentAdult ID
2023 Appointment
Pediatric ID 2025 appointmentPediatric ID 2024 AppointmentPediatric ID
2023 Appointment
Certified programs179189175595356
Programs filled91 (50.8%)96 (50.8%)98 (56%)25 (42.2%)20 (37.7%)24 (43%)
Programs unfilled88 (49.2%)93 (49.2%)77 (44%)34 (57.6%)33 (62.3%)32 (57%)
Certified positions450450441897781
Positions filled316 (70.2%)303 (67.3%)328 (74%)43 (48.3%)37 (48.1%)40 (49%)
Positions unfilled134 (29.8%)147 (32.7%)113 (26%)46 (51.7%)40 (51.9%)41 (51%)

What is an IMG?

Our guests spoke about the landscape of training on a visa

  • In the episode, you heard a description of waiver positions along with drawback and limitations. Here are a few resources mentioned on the show.
  • For someone that requires a visa to train in the US, they are usually on two types of visa: J-1 or H-1
  • J-1 is exclusively a training visa, whereas the H-1 is a temporary work visa. You can see a compare/contrast chart below

Table: Overview of the various mechanisms, and their limitations, used by international medical graduates to obtain J-1 waivers


Waiver typeRequirementsLimitations for PID physicians
Conrad-30Work in a federally designated health professional shortage area (HPSA) or medically underserved area (MUA) for at least 3 years• Reliant on employers to file application
• Meeting fall deadline requires an expediated timeline for job interviews and acceptance (often between second and third year of PID fellowship)36
• Waiver positions can be competitive, and in certain states, positions can fill within hours after applications are accepted36,37
• Not all hospitals or PID positions are federally designated as HPSAs or MUAs
• Preference for waiver positions given to primary care physicians, with some states placing restrictions on the number of subspecialties positions sponsored
• Accepted position’s full-time equivalent must contain at least 80% of direct patient care
Interested U.S. government agencySponsorship by an interested government agencies, most relevant to PID are: Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), Delta Regional Authority (DRA), Southeast Crescent Regional Commission (SCRC), and Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC)• Reliant on governmental agency to file application
• ARC, DRA, SCRC, and NBRC only apply to a limited geographical setting, primarily in the South, Southeastern, and Eastern states.  
• Additional paperwork and documentation needed to demonstrate need for and lack of subspecialists in the region
• Waiver positions’ full-time equivalent must meet minimum percentage of direct patient care (up to 100% for certain agencies and/or regions)
Persecution or HardshipEstablish “well-founded fear of persecution” in home country or “exceptional hardship” to U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse or child• Uncommon mechanism to obtain J-1 waiver with many IMGs not meeting eligibility
• Complex mechanism, requiring high burden of documentary proof (e.g. multiple affidavits of support, media reports, and grey literature to document persecution or hardship)
• Challenging and expensive to find lawyer with sufficient experience for this specific waiver
• Lengthy process, taking as long as 14.5 months to complete processing11,33
• Should only be filed prior to last year of fellowship, leading to potential delays between graduating and starting new position

Here is another example table:

Several of the guests authored this helpful overview in JPIDS

Teoh Z, Erdem G, Tomatis-Souverbielle C, et al. Overcoming Challenges for Non-US International Medical Graduates in Pediatric Infectious Diseases. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2024;13(7):374-378. doi:10.1093/jpids/piae050



Listeners will be able to identify challenges of international medical graduates seeking waivers to work in the US

Learning Objectives

After listening to this episode, listeners will be able to:

  • Define “international medical graduates”
  • Compare and contrast the most common mechanisms and limitations of J-1 waivers used by IMGs
  • Discuss strategies to support IMGs who choose to train in infectious diseases


Our guests as well as Febrile podcast and hosts report no relevant financial disclosures


Del Valle, A., Tomatis, C., Cruz, D., Sheth, R., Anjan, S., Teoh, Z., Berto, C., Dong, S. “#113: Season 4 Finale: Match Update & Supporting IMGs in ID”. Febrile: A Cultured Podcast. https://player.captivate.fm/episode/b5811a3e-e227-4194-9da3-7d60d8aad9f4/


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